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		    80% {  transform: scaley(0.3); }
		    90% {  transform: scaley(1);   }
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      .box {
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      @keyframes fade-away {
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        100% {
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        animation: arrow-movement 2s ease-in-out infinite;

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      /* 按钮心跳动画 */
      .heart-shake {
        width: 100px;
        height: 30px;
        margin: auto;
        border-radius: 10px;
        background: #3866ff;
        color: #ffffff;
        box-shadow: 0 2px 30px 0 #3866ff63;
        animation: submitBtn 1.5s ease infinite;
      @keyframes submitBtn {
        0% {
          transform: scale(1);
        50% {
        100% {
          transform: scale(1);
    <div class="heart-shake ege">按钮心跳动画</div>


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	<meta charset="UTF-8">
		    width: 100px;
		    height: 100px;
		    margin: 50px auto;
		    position: relative;
		    transform: translateY(-30px);

		.ball> div {          /*设置水波纹的样式*/
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		    border-radius: 100%;
		    margin: 2px;
		    position: absolute;
		    left: 15px;
		    top: 15px;
		    opacity: 0;
		    width: 60px;
		    height: 60px;
		    animation: anim 1s 0s linear infinite both;
		.ball > div:nth-child(2) {        /*设置动画延迟*/
		    animation-delay: 0.2s;
		.ball> div:nth-child(3) {
		    animation-delay: 0.4s;

		.ball > div:nth-child(4) {
		    animation-delay: 0.6s;

		@keyframes anim {
		    0% {transform: scale(0);
		        opacity: 0; }
		    5% {opacity: 1; }
		    100% {transform: scale(1);
		           opacity: 0; }
	<div class="ball">


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		@keyframes load {
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		        opacity: 0;
		    100% {
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		/*设置动画以及动画延迟 */
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		    animation: load 1.2s linear 0s infinite;
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		    animation: load 1.2s linear 0.05s infinite;

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<div class="cont">
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/*css document*/
* { /*清除页面中默认的内外边距*/
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.ball { /*设置动画盒子的整体样式*/
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    height: 90px;
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    color: #fff; /*设置文字颜色*/
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    margin: 20px auto;

.ball > p { /*设置加载的提示文字的样式*/
    padding: 20px 0;

.ball > div { /*设置动画中三个小球的样式*/
    width: 18px; /*设置大小*/
    height: 18px;
    background: #1abc9c; /*设置背景颜色*/
    border-radius: 100%; /*设置圆角边框*/
    display: inline-block; /*设置其显示方式*/
    animation: move 1.4s infinite ease-in-out both; /*添加动画*/

.ball .ball1 { /*设置第一个小球的动画延迟*/
    animation-delay: 0.16s;

.ball .ball2 { /*设置第二个小球的动画延迟*/
    animation-delay: 0.32s;

.ball .ball3 { /*设置第二个小球的动画延迟*/
    animation-delay: 0.48s;

@keyframes move { /*创建动画*/
    0% { transform: scale(0) }
    40% { transform: scale(1.0) }
    100% { transform: scale(0) }

	<div class="cont">
	    <div class="ball">
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	        <div class="ball2"></div>
	        <div class="ball3"></div>


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		.cont {
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		.cont, p {
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		    height: 20px;
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		    position: relative;
		    background-color: rgba(189, 189, 189, 1);

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		    width: 0;
		    animation: prog 1 5s ease forwards;
		#txt {
		    position: absolute;
		    left: 250px;
		    width: 50px;
		    font: bold 18px/20px "";
		    color: #f00;
		@keyframes prog {
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		    100% {
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<div class="cont">
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<script type="text/javascript">
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	    var ds = setInterval(function(){
	        txt.innerHTML = i + "%";
	        // console.log(i)
	        if (i == 100) {
	    }, 50)


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		   .marquee-outer-wrapper {
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        /* 需要将两个文字内容一样的span放在最右边 */
        .marquee-inner-wrapper span {
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            left: 100%;
            height: 100%;
        /* 定义第一个span的animation:时长 动画名字 匀速 循环 正常播放 */
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            animation: 25s first-marquee linear infinite normal;
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                transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
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                transform: translate3d(-200%, 0, 0);
                display: none;
        .second-marquee {
            /* 因为要在第一个span播完之前就得出现第二个span,所以就延迟12s才播放 */
            -webkit-animation: 25s first-marquee linear 12s infinite normal;
            animation: 25s first-marquee linear 12s infinite normal;
            padding-right: 53%;
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<div class="marquee-outer-wrapper">
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            <span class="first-marquee">使用css3制作文字横向无限循环滚动的动画使用css3制作文字横向无限循环滚动的动画使用css3制作文字横向无限循环滚动的动画</span>
            <span class="second-marquee">使用css3制作文字横向无限循环滚动的动画使用css3制作文字横向无限循环滚动的动画使用css3制作文字横向无限循环滚动的动画</span>





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面包屑新玩法,ReactRouter+Ant Design实现动态渲染

在Ant Design中,可以通过Breadcrumb组件结合react-router库实现动态生成面包屑导航。具体步骤如下: 定义路由配置数据结构 我们需要在路由配置中添加额外的面包屑相关信息,例如面包屑标题、icon等。例如: const routes [{path: /,breadcrumbName: 首页},{path: /users,brea…


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Leetcode 119 杨辉三角 II

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在数字化时代&#xff0c;我们越来越依赖电子文件来记录和管理重要信息。 然而&#xff0c;伴随着这种便利的同时&#xff0c;误删或恶意操作导致的文件丢失也成为了一个令人头疼的问题。 那么本文就来谈一谈&#xff0c;企业网盘如何解决误删、甚至恶意删除的问题。 可道云…




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ubuntu下安装python模块 pip intall xxx报错

报错内容大概如下&#xff1a; WARNING: Retrying (Retry(total4, connectNone, readNone, redirectNone, statusNone)) after connection broken by NewConnectionError(<pip._vendor.urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f0fc68d6370>: Failed to establ…

Python 基础、流程、容器、函数

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项目关键技术 开发工具&#xff1a;IDEA 、Eclipse 编程语言: Java 数据库: MySQL5.7 框架&#xff1a;ssm、Springboot 前端&#xff1a;Vue、ElementUI 关键技术&#xff1a;springboot、SSM、vue、MYSQL、MAVEN 数据库工具&#xff1a;Navicat、SQLyog 1、Java技术 Java语…